Learn English with Om Nom - Om Nom and Snailbrow try different food

Learn English with Om Nom - Om Nom and Snailbrow try different food with tags cut the rope, video games, mobile games, om nom, kids, om nom stories, om nom cartoon, om nom videos, om nom candy, om nom nom, om nom experiments, om nom magic, om nom super noms, om nom episodes, om nom learn colors, om nom learning videos, om nom learning stories, early learning, preschool, educational videos, videos for kids, videos for babies, videos for toddlers, learn, colors, numbers, shapes, educational, cartoons, nom, baby, om
We all know that Om Nom is a foodie! This time, he tries different food and discovers whether its yummy or yucky. Is broccoli yummy or yucky? Let us know in the comments below! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuttheropeofficial Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuttherope Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cut_The_Rope Cut the Rope official site: http://www.cuttherope.net TikTok: http://vm.tiktok.com/5FJa6j/------------------------------------------------------ Watch Om Nom Stories on: Roku TV: https://bitly.su/RokuTV KiddZtube: https://bitly.su/KiddZtube Kidoodle Tv: https://bitly.su/KidoodleTV PRIME: https://bitly.su/Prime IFLIX: https://bitly.su/IFLIX HOOQ: https://bitly.su/HOOQ Toon Goggles: https://bitly.su/ToonGoggles PlayKids: https://bitly.su/PlayKids Tubi TV: https://bitly.su/TubiTV Battery POP: https://bitly.su/BatteryPOP Ameba: https://bitly.su/Ameba------------------------------------------------------#LearnEnglish #OmNom