Leap Frog | Educational | Songs for Kids


Leap Frog | Educational | Songs for Kids with tags kids songs, childrens songs, learning, educational, educational songs, childrens music, kids music, songs for kids, english songs for kids, animals, baby joy joy, playing outside, leap frog, leapfrog, frog, active songs, jumping songs, frog song

Watch Our Most Popular Videos Here: https://goo.gl/muybNUSUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/subscribe2BabyJoyJoyLeap frog | Educational | Songs for KidsHow high can you jump? Come play outside with Baby Joy Joy and her froggy friends and learn different ways to jump! What have you learned today? Tell us in the comments below.Watch Baby Joy Joy's Newest Videos Here: https://goo.gl/dTjMDwWatch Learning Colors Here: https://goo.gl/sMTLA6Watch Counting Songs with Baby Joy Joy Here: https://goo.gl/6Jhzf1 *Lyrics*----------------------------------I jump low.I jump low.I jump high.I jump high.I jump low.I jump low.I jump highto the sky.I jump on.I jump on.I jump in.I jump in.I jump on.I jump on.I jump in.Watch me swim and swim!I jump over you.You jump over me.I jump over you.Playing Leap Frog.Jump below.Jump below.Jump above.Jump above.Jump below.Jump below.Jump abovelike a dove.Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!Leap Frog!Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!Leap Frog!00:06 Leap Frog01:54 ABC Song05:31 Finger Family Snowmen08:13 Shapes and Colors10:28 I've Got a Feeling12:21 Pop Goes the Weasel16:03 12 Days of Christmas20:50 Happy Birthday22:47 Wheels on the Bus31:06 Pop Goes the Weasel33:15 Old MacDonald38:36 Ten in the Bed40:54 Are You Sleeping?46:05 Five Little Monkeys48:39 Humpty Dumpty52:41 Finger Family Frogs55:20 Look At Me Go57:54 Mary Had a Little Lamb