Kids Helping Grandma: Annie and Sammy Help Their Grandma with the Housework

Kids Helping Grandma: Annie and Sammy Help Their Grandma with the Housework with tags friend, kid stories, stories, kidsplay, toys, annie, suri, for kids, video for kids, sammy, friends, uncle, auntie, toy, toys for kids, grandma, help, children, pretend play, help for grandma, funny grandma, helping grandma, videos for kids, helping, grandchildren, educational videos for kids, grandpa, kids pretend play, housework
Sammy is a lazy child. He shies away from chores, preferring video games over assisting his grandma. However, when his grandma got sick, Annie helped Sammy realize that he should help his grandma with housework. He took on household tasks with newfound enthusiasm. Watch as Sammy transforms from a reluctant helper into a proactive grandson.