Jill's Spa Party | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs

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Baby John makes problems at Jill has a spa-themed party.
#BabyJohn #SingAlongs #EducationalSongs
My birthday!
I want to do it my way
My way, my way
My birthday!
‘Cause it’s my day
My day, my day
My birthday!
My day! My way, my way
I want
To do what
Do-do what you do!
I go
Where you go
I can do it, too!
BBJ sings:
I want
To do what
Do-do what you do!
I go
Where you go
I can do it, too!
My birthday!
I want to do it my way
My way, my way
My birthday!
‘Cause it’s my day
My day, my day
My birthday!
My day! My way, my way
I want
To play, too
Do-do what you do!
I look
Like you look
I can do it, too!
BBJ sings:
I want
To play, too
Do-do what you do!
I look
Like you look
I can do it, too!
My birthday!
I want to do it my way
My way, my way
My birthday!
‘Cause it’s my day
My day, my day
My birthday!
My day! My way, my way
I want
To paint, too!
Do-do what you do!
My hands
Like your hands
I can do it, too!
BBJ sings:
I want
To paint, too!
Do-do what you do!
My hands
Like your hands
I can do it, too!
My birthday!
I want to make it fun for
My birthday!
I want to make it great
Oh I can’t wait
My birthday!
Let’s play! Oh yeah, let’s play!
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These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.
Moonbug Entertainment, inc. All Rights Reserved
#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes
00:00 Jill's Birthday Spa Party
03:11 My Favorite Vegetable
06:56 Welcome to My Fashion Parade
10:32 Beach Day at School
13:35 Be Safe on the Ice
16:39 Be Safe During Bath Time!