Inside the killer whale matriarchy - Darren Croft

Inside the killer whale matriarchy - Darren Croft with tags ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education, darren croft, boniato studio, animation, killer whales, orcas, matriarchy, climate change, overfishing
Check out our Patreon page: full lesson: of killer whales inhabit the waters of every major ocean on Earth. Each family is able to survive thanks mainly to one member, its most knowledgeable hunter: the grandmother. These matriarchs can live 80 years or more and their expertise can mean the difference between life and death for their families. Darren Croft details the lives of killer whales and the dangers facing their survival.Lesson by Darren Croft, directed by Boniato Studio. Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Brady Jones, Todd Gross, Alexis Hevia, Heidi Stolt, Robert Seik, Coenraad Keuning, Charles A Hershberger, Laura Cameron Keith, Max Ngomane, Rafael Kato, Jen O'Hogan, Renu Balak, JY Kang, Anastasiia , Madee Lo, Arpita Singh, Karl Laius, Barbarossa, Tu-Anh Nguyen, Guy Hardy, Sebastiaan Vleugels, Joel Alfonso, Derya Goekcay, Brandy Sarver, Jose Arcadio Valdes Franco, Akinola Emmanuel, igor romanenko, Dian Atamyanov, Abhishek Bansal, Austin Randall, Jennifer Kurkoski, phkphk12321, Arlene Weston, Mehmet Yusuf Ertekin, Ten Cha, Les Howard, Kevin O'Leary, Francisco Leos, Robert Patrick, Jorge , Marcus Appelbaum, Alan Wilder, Amin Talaei, Mohamed Elsayed, Angel Pantoja, Eimann P. Evarola, Claire Ousey, Carlos H. Costa, Tariq Keblaoui and Bela Namyslik.