If You Are Happy and You Know It | Educational


If You Are Happy and You Know It | Educational with tags baby joy joy, baby joy, joy, bjj, kids songs, childrens songs, nursery rhymes, learning, educational, educational songs, childrens music, kids music, songs for kids, lullaby songs, english songs for kids

Watch Our Most Popular Videos Here: https://goo.gl/muybNUSUBSCRIBE HERE: http://bit.ly/subscribe2BabyJoyJoyIf You Are Happy and You Know ItIf you are happy and you know it, show it off! Let's learn about what makes us happy. What is your favorite thing to do when you are happy? Tell us in the comments below.Watch Baby Joy Joy's Newest Videos Here: https://goo.gl/dTjMDwWatch Things I Learned Today Here: https://goo.gl/wU19BQWatch Baby Joy Joy Nursery Rhymes Here: https://goo.gl/7ByA1qWatch Baby Joy Joy Baby Songs Here: https://goo.gl/95zdKHWatch Animal Songs with Baby Joy Joy Here: https://goo.gl/YfMiHH*Lyrics*If youre happy and you know itclap your hands!If youre happy and you know itclap your hands!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itclap your hands!If youre happy and you know itstomp your feet!If youre happy and you know itstomp your feet!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itstomp your feet!Clap your hands!If youre happy and you know itnod your head!If youre happy and you know itnod your head!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itnod your head!Stomp your feet!Clap your hands!If youre happy and you know itspin around!If youre happy and you know itspin around!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itspin around!Nod your head!Stomp your feet!Clap your hands!If youre happy and you know itshout hurray!If youre happy and you know itshout hurray!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itshout hurray!Hurray!!Spin around!Nod your head!Stomp your feet!Clap your hands!If youre happy and you know itjump around!If youre happy and you know itjump around!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know it jump around!Shout hurray!Hurray!Spin around!Nod your head!Stomp your feet!Clap your hands!If youre happy and you know itpat your head!If youre happy and you know itpat your head!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itpat your head!Jump around!Shout hurray!Hurray!Spin around!Nod your head!Stomp your feet!Clap your hands!If youre happy and you know itpat your legs!If youre happy and you know itpat your legs!If youre happy and you know itand you really want to show itIf youre happy and you know itpat your legs!Pat your head!Jump around!Shout hurray!Hurray!Spin around!Nod your head!Stomp your feet!Clap your hands!