How to grow your own glacier - M Jackson

How to grow your own glacier - M Jackson with tags ted, ted-ed, ted ed, teded, ted education, animation, m jackson, artrake studio, glaciers, how to grow a glacier, is is possible to make glaciers, glacier, melting ice, melting ice caps, melting glaciers, ancient glacier growing, genghis khan, eurasia, climate change, global warming
Explore the ancient methods of growing glaciers, the homemade bodies of ice used as water sources, and how they can be used to combat climate change. --In the 13th century, Genghis Khan embarked on a mission to take over Eurasia, swiftly conquering countries and drawing them into his empire. But, legend has it that there was one obstacle that even he couldnt overcome: a towering wall of ice, grown by locals across a mountain pass. M Jackson explores the ancient methods of growing glaciers and how they can be used to combat climate change. Lesson by M Jackson, directed by Artrake Studio.Sign up for our newsletter: us on Patreon: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: us on Instagram: full lesson: you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Jrgen sterpart, Karla Brilman, Cindy O., Nicu Boanda, Reagen O'Connor, Sabrina Gonzalez, Dino Biancolini, FAWWAZ GHUWAIDI, Hadi Salahshour, Clement, Sarah Burns, Abdullah Altuwaijri, Jessie McGuire, Divina Grace Dar Santos, Brian Richards, Farah Abdelwahab, Joe Meyers, Mikhail Shkirev, Raphal LAURENT, Malcolm Callis, Sweetmilkcoco, David Matthew Ezroj, Ever Granada, fatima kried, Begum Tutuncu, Mehmet Sencer KARADAYI, Christian Kurch, SungGyeong Bae, Luis Felipe Ruiz Langenscheidt, Joe Huang, Rohan Gupta, Senjo Limbu, Martin Lau, Robson Martinho, Jason Garcia, Cailin Ramsey, Aaron Henson, John Saveland, Nicolle Fieldsend-Roxborough, ReuniteKorea , Venkat Venkatakrishnan, Sandy Nasser, QIUJING L BU, Yoga Trapeze Wanderlust, Jaron Blackburn, Alejandro Cachoua, Thomas Mungavan, Elena Crescia, Edla Paniguel and Sarah Lundegaard.