Hilarious Twisting Contortion Challenge || Family Game Night


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For family game night this week, we played a super fun game called Hank's Twisted Challenge. It's a super funny game where you use any moves you can, including hilarious contortions, in order to get a disc off a wire! Thanks to WIcked Cool Toys for sponsoring our video today! Check out the game for yourself here! http://bit.ly/FamilyFunPack-Hanks-Twisted-ChallengeGet a personalized video from us to you! Check out our Cameo profile to find out how: https://www.bookcameo.com/familyfunpack Thanks for watching & don't forget to give us a THUMBS UP! | Subscribe: http://bit.ly/FFPSubscribePlease subscribe to our other channels!http://bit.ly/FFPSubscribehttp://bit.ly/AlwaysAlyssaSubscribehttp://bit.ly/SubDudeItsDavidhttp://bit.ly/SubTwinTimehttp://bit.ly/SubMichaelsMPhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWL2CqWMfRdYQ6tm8-MZvg (owen) Find pictures, updates, and more about Family Fun Pack:Facebook: http://bit.ly/FamilyFunFBTwitter: http://bit.ly/FamilyFunTwitterInstagram: http://bit.ly/FamilyFunIGMatt's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mattfunpack/Matt's Twitter: http://bit.ly/DaddyFunPackAlyssa's Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/alyssaalways/David's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dudeitsdavid/Zac's Instagram: http://bit.ly/2dL1JocChris' Instagram: http://bit.ly/2dL34vVMichael's Instagram: http://bit.ly/2cTen8zOwen's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/owenfunpack/Our Pets: https://www.instagram.com/familyfunpackpets/Hi guys, I'm Kristine. I am the documenter of all things fun! (I may or may not have made that word up). Family Fun Pack is my family of 8 who love to travel and live life to the fullest. With new videos posted regularly, you are sure be entertained on our channel. We will share with you our daily adventures and milestones such as birthdays and first soccer games. We love to do challenges, cook new foods, try new experiences and lots of other fun things! I offer parenting advice each Monday in my Mommy Monday vlog. Our videos are real family fun. Thanks for following my journey as a mom!Want to send fan mail? You can find our address in our "about" section here on YouTube.#familyfunpack #hankstwistedchallenge #familygamenight