Halloween Songs for Children, Kids and Toddlers with Ten Scary Steps + Finger Family and More!

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Enjoy 10+ minutes of your favorite Halloween Songs with Ten Scary Steps, Halloween Finger Family, Little Miss Muffet, Little Bo Peep and More spooky Fun Songs and Nursery Rhymes for Children, Kids and Toddlers. Click on time stamps below to view your favorites. Thanks for watching!Watch your favorites:0:00 Halloween Finger Family1:41 Ten Scary Steps to the Candy House4:14 Halloween Song with Little Miss Muffet6:08 Halloween Song with Little Bo Peep7:25 Scary Ride8:31 Ten Scary Steps to Grandma's House9:41 Pop! Goes the Weasel SUBSCRIBE!https://www.youtube.com/user/katiecutiekidsTV/featured?view_as=publicLET'S CONNECT!Google+: https://www.google.com/+katiecutiekidsTVCreated by: Denisa SenovskyMusic production: Denisa Senovsky, Michael CreberIllustrations by: Denisa SenovskyVideo Editor: http://www.gloostudios.com/Copyright: Katie Cutie Entertainment Inc.