Ten Scary Steps to the Haunted House | Spooky Fun Halloween Songs for Kids, Toddlers and Children


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Enjoy 25+ minutes of Spooky Fun Halloween Songs for Kids with Ten Scary Steps to the Haunted House, Finger Family Halloween Song, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jacky and the Jellybean Stalk, Little Bo Peep, Little Miss Muffet, Ten Scary Steps to the Candy House, Scary Ride, Row Row Row Your Boat, Wheels on the Bus and more Nursery Rhymes in this fun collection of kids songs and engaging playlist for children and toddlers. Click on time stamps below to view your favorites. Thanks for watching and Happy Halloween :)

Watch your Halloween favorites:

0:00 - Ten Scary Steps to the Haunted House

2:08 – Jacky and the Jellybean Stalk

3:33 – Finger Family Halloween Song

5:15 – Goldilocks and the Three Bears

7:51 – Ten Scary Steps to the Candy House

10:47 – Wheels on the Bus Halloween

12:47 - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

15:05 - Cinderella Princess Song

17:21 - Row Row Row Your Boat

19:06 - Little Miss Muffet Halloween

20:59 - Little Bo Peep Halloween

22:17 - Scary Ride

23:23 - Monster Color Halloween Song

24:40 - Ten Scary Steps to Grandma's House

Copyright: Katie Cutie Kids TV Inc.

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