Five Little Sharks Jumping on the Bed | +Compilation | Best Nursery Rhymes | Baby Shark Official


Five Little Sharks Jumping on the Bed | +Compilation | Best Nursery Rhymes | Baby Shark Official with tags pinkfong, family, kids, children, toddlers, babies, preschoolers, preschool, education, educational, videos, kids education, education for children, preschool learning, videos for kids, kids videos, kids animation, songs, songs for kids, songs for children, kids game, nursery rhymes, baby shark, baby shark dance, baby shark song, baby shark challenge, baby shark sing along, baby shark sing and dance, learn english, baby song, sing along, baby, colors, learn color, baby shark color, slides

Let's sing and dance with Baby Shark!✨😍

You're watching "Five Little Sharks Jumping on the Bed", a super fun compilation of Baby Shark Songs!

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★ Chapters

00:00 Let's Begin!

00:00:06 Five Little Buses Jumping on the Slide

00:03:06 Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

00:06:06 Five Little Fish Jumping on the Kelp

00:07:47 Five Little Friends Jumping in the House

00:10:33 Spooky Sea Monster

00:13:26 Where Did My Color Go?

00:16:31 Shark Finger Family

00:18:00 The Boo-Boo Song

00:19:02 If Sharks Are Happy

00:20:03 London Bridge Is Falling Down

00:23:05 Boo Boo Song

00:26:14 Boogers

00:29:02 This Is the Shark's Way

00:29:54 Baby Shark Went on a Trip

00:31:22 Hey, Mommy Shark

00:32:39 Shark Bus

00:34:03 Hello, Baby Shark!

00:35:15 Bored Baby Shark Went Out to Play

00:36:16 Have You Ever Seen Shark's Tail?

00:37:37 Have you seen my siren?

00:40:41 Baby Shark's Pink World

00:43:58 Shark's Color Bus

00:46:32 Wheels on the bus

00:49:40 Friends on the Ocean Floor

00:52:27 Trio of the Ocean

00:53:27 Naughty Ocean Friends

00:54:58 Wedding in the Sea

00:56:21 Baby Shark Teeth

00:57:35 Six Little Fish

00:58:50 Baby Shark's Birthday

00:59:43 Police Sharks

01:00:55 Hot Clam Buns

01:01:49 Baby Shark on the Bus

01:02:56 Where Is Daddy Shark

01:03:43 S-H-A-R-K

01:04:35 Twinkle Twinkle Little Shark

01:05:40 Shark 123

01:06:42 Shark ABC

01:07:22 Ocean ABC

01:09:14 Baby Shark Gym

01:10:26 Ocean Building

01:11:34 The Baby Mermaid Shark

01:13:01 Baby Shark Is Lost in the Forest


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