Five Little Monsters Jumping On The Bed | Kids Halloween Song | Super Simple Songs

Five Little Monsters Jumping On The Bed | Kids Halloween Song | Super Simple Songs with tags five little monsters, jumping on the bed, kids songs, halloween, halloween song, songs for kids, nursery rhymes, super simple songs, little, monsters, five little monsters jumping on the bed, halloween kids song, five little monkeys, five little monkeys jumping on the bed, for kids, for boys, for girls, for children, nursery rhyme, kid song, jumping on the bed song, nursery rhymes songs, songs for children, children rhymes, 5 little monsters, monkeys, five little babies
It's the perfect Halloween song for kids! Five little monsters jumping on the bed. One fell off and bumped her head. Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said. No more monsters jumping on the bed. Subscribe Simple Songs Playlist Five little monsters jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped her head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,No more monsters jumping on the bed.Four little monsters jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped her head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,No more monsters jumping on the bed.Three little monsters jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped her head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said.No more monsters jumping on the bed.Two little monsters jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped her head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,No more monsters jumping on the bed.One little monster jumping on the bed.She fell off and bumped her head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said,No more monsters jumping on the bed.******Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:*****We're Super Social, too!facebook:*****Super Simple Songs and Super Simple Learning are registered trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company.#nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #supersimplesongs