Five Little Ghosts, jumping on the Bed - Halloween Song | Kids Rhymes & Cartoons | Infobells

Five Little Ghosts, jumping on the Bed - Halloween Song | Kids Rhymes & Cartoons | Infobells with tags nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for children, nursery rhyme songs, nursery rhymes in english, nursery rhymes playlist, nursery rhymes collection, 3d nursery rhymes, 3d nursery rhymes for children, infobells, 3d nursery rhymes infobells, rhymes for children, rhymes for babies, rhymes, rhymes for nursery, english rhymes, halloween song, halloween costume, ghost song, ghost rhyme, halloween rhyme
A spooky Halloween kid’s song, to celebrate the day by going trick-or-treating at night. This Five Little Ghosts song will be a perfect one for the occasion.
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