First Day of School | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs


First Day of School | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs with tags kindergarten, sing-along songs, kidtv, kids education, kids entertainment, children songs, toddler, nursery rhymes, kids videos, school, first day of school, sing-along, preschool, kid songs, baby songs, tim and essy

Today is the first day of school! Tim is excited, but a little nervous too! There are so many new things to see and learn today!


Today is good day, the first day of school!

So many new things i will know and do

I’m so happy but nervous too

Everything will be fine on my first day of school!

Do you have your backpack?

Yes I do!

Do you have your copybooks?

Yes I do!

Do you have your pens?

Yes I do!

Do you have your lunchbox?

Yes I do!

Today is good day, the first day of school!

So many new things i will know and do

I’m so happy but nervous too

Everything will be fine on my first day of school!

Will you smile at the teacher??

Yes I will

Will you find new friends?

Yes I will

Will you learn new thing?

Yes I will

Will you have a great time?

Yes I will

Today is good day, the first day of school!

So many new things i will know and do

I’m so happy but nervous too

Everything will be fine on my first day of school!

Are you happy ?

Yes I am!

Are you nervous?

Yes a little bit !

Don’t be scared?

Yes i will try!

Are you ready?

Yes of corse!

Today is good day, the first day of school!

So many new things i will know and do

I’m so happy but nervous too

Everything will be fine on my first day of school!

Did you say Hello?

Yes I did!

Did you hang your backpack?

Yes I did!

Did you give a hug?

Yes I did!

Did you say good bye?

Yes I did!

#TimAndEssy #KidsSongs #NurseryRhymes