Down By The Bay #2 | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs

Down By The Bay #2 | Kids Songs | Super Simple Songs with tags kids songs, down by the bay song, super simple songs, down by the bay, down by the bay kids song, down by the bay nursery rhyme, super simple monsters, kids songs, nursery rhymes, kids videos, songs for children, fun songs for kids, kindergarten, songs for kids, preschool songs, toddlers, songs for toddlers, children’s songs, baby songs, for kids, for children, videos for kids, songs for babies, down by the bay where the watermelons grow, where the watermelons grow
Did you ever see a bee drinking some tea? Come join us Down By The Bay and sing along with version #2 of this classic children's song!Subscribe Simple Songs Playlist by the bay.Where the watermelons grow.Back to my homeI dare not go.For if I doMy mother will say,Did you ever see a bee drinking some tea?Down by the bay.Down by the bay.Where the watermelons grow.Back to my homeI dare not go.For if I doMy mother will say,Did you ever see a fish washing a dish?Down by the bay.Down by the bay.Where the watermelons grow.Back to my homeI dare not go.For if I doMy mother will say,Did you ever see a snail delivering the mail?Down by the bay.Down by the bay.Where the watermelons grow.Back to my homeI dare not go.For if I domy mother will say,Did you ever see a dog out for a jog?Down by the bay.Down by the bay.Where the watermelons grow.Back to my homeI dare not go.For if I doMy mother will say,Did you ever see a cow taking a bow?Down by the bay.Down by the bay.Where the watermelons grow.Back to my homeI dare not go.For if I doMy mother will say,Did you ever see a sloth folding a cloth?Down by the bay.Down by the bay.******Get FREE resources like coloring sheets, games, flashcards, and worksheets in the Super Simple Learning Resource Center:*****We're Super Social, too!facebook:*****Super Simple Songs and Super Simple Learning are registered trademarks of Skyship Entertainment Company.#nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #supersimplesongs