Dance Like a Robot with Your Head, Hands, Hips & Legs | D Billions Kids Songs

Dance Like a Robot with Your Head, Hands, Hips & Legs | D Billions Kids Songs with tags d billions, kids songs, songs for kids, kids videos, sing-along songs, chacha, boomboom, chicky, lyalya, robot, robot song for kids, robot cha-cha, dance like a robot with your head hands hips & legs | d billions kids songs, dance like a robot with your head hands hips & legs, head hands hips & legs song, hips, legs song, legs, head song, hands song, robot song, robotchicky, robotboomboom, dance robot, robot dance, educational song for kids, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, for kids
I’m dancing with my head, with my head, with my head,
Cha Cha, come dance with your head, with your head, with your head.
I’m dancing with my head, with my head, with my head,
Robot, come dance with your head, with your head, with your head.
I’m dancing with my hands, with my hands, with my hands,
Boom-Boom, come dance with your hands, with your hands, with your hands.
I’m dancing with my hands, with my hands, with my hands,
Robot, come dance with your hands, with your hands, with your hands.
I’m dancing with my hips, with my hips, with my hips,
Lya-Lya, come dance with your hips, with your hips, with your hips.
I’m dancing with my hips, with my hips, with my hips,
Robot, come dance with your hips, with your hips, with your hips.
I’m dancing with my legs, with my legs, with my legs,
Chicky, come dance with your legs, with your legs, with your legs.
I’m dancing with my legs, with my legs, with my legs,
Robot, come dance with your legs, with your legs, with your legs.
#DBillions #robotchacha #robotchicky #robotboomboom #robotlyalya
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