Cosmic Kids Yoga DANCE PARTY!

Cosmic Kids Yoga DANCE PARTY! with tags kids yoga, yoga for kids, yoga for kid, yoga for kids- full yoga, yoga for children, yoga for children beginners, yoga music, yoga, cosmic kids yoga, kids workout, fun videos for kids, workout for kids, physical exercise for kids, children workout, movement exercise, fun workout, fun yoga, home workout for kids, workout at home
GET THOSE WRIGGLES OUT with a mix of our Yoga Disco tracks. Yoga-based movement set to upbeat music. Can you do the full 12 minutes?0:00 Washing Machine SongDo the Washing Machine (a core-strengthening yoga move) and the Tumble Dryer (a breathing exercise to encourage exhalation) - all to a funky latin beat. 2:21 Hot Air Balloonin'Do Hot Air Balloon (a breathing exercise) and lots of other fun yoga moves - all to a funky electro beat. 5:07 Bunny BounceThis one is all about the Bunny Hops! A kids yoga move to work the body! (On the way to handstand...)8:22 Hi, My Name's JoeShake your sillies out with Jaime in this high energy music and movement. Part of the Yoga Disco series. Push this button with your LEFT FOOT!!! All our videos are ad-free on the Cosmic Kids App! The complete Cosmic Kids video library. View on any computer, TV, smartphone and tablet. Safe viewing: no commercials, links or suggested videos. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Get your FREE Kids Yoga Posture Poster! - - - - - - - - - - - - Learn to teach kids yoga with me! - - - - - - - - - - - - Buy Cosmic Kids DVD's, gifts & books! - - - - - - - - - - - - Lots more at Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Visit our shop:'t forget to subscribe!