Conductors and Insulators | Science for Kids


Conductors and Insulators | Science for Kids with tags conductor, insulator, electricity, heat, conductor and insulator, science, science for kids, kid science, pre-schooler, toddler, wood, rubber, steel, metal, copper, aluminum



Hey kids!

In today's video, we will be learning about conductors and insulators.

Did you know that if you touch a metal spoon that’s been sitting in hot soup, it feels hot?

That's because the metal is a good conductor of heat!

0:21 - What are conductors and insulators?

0:30 - What is a conductor?

0:47 - Free-moving electrons

0:57 - Examples of conductors

1:36 - What is an insulator?

1:49 - Tightly bound atoms

2:11 - Examples of insulators