Christmas DIY for Kids | Christmas Craft Ideas + Christmas Songs for kids. Kids Academy.

Christmas DIY for Kids | Christmas Craft Ideas + Christmas Songs for kids. Kids Academy. with tags kids academy, kidsacademy, christmas diy for kids, christmas for kids, christmas craft ideas, diy for kids, christmas songs for kids, songs for kids, for kids, videos for kids, christmas elves, jingle bells song, christmas decorate for kids, diy ideas for kids, diy, video for kids, crafts for kids, kids videos, crafts, do it yourself, craft for kids, diy christmas decorations
Kids Academy has prepared some ideas on how to bring Christmas magic to your home by using your crafty hands. Watch our new video for kids and make these DIY Christmas decorations with your kids to make the festive season special for them so that they will remember it with warm nostalgia when they grow up. The 3D Paper Ornaments and Japanese Paper Dolls will look great on your Christmas tree, the Paper Penguin Rolls can decorate your mantelpiece, the (Christmas) Elves and Snowman Snowflakes will send Christmas vibes hanging on the walls, while the Merry Mistletoe Bells over your doorway will spread good luck to everybody passing through. Let’s start crafting!
00:00 - Start
00:18 - Christmas Elves (Jingle Bells Song)
03:01 - Paper Penguin Rolls (Wish List Song)
06:19 - Merry Mistletoe Bells (Deck the Hall Song)
08:18 - 3D Paper Christmas Trees (We Wish You a Merry Christmas)
10:52 - Japanese Paper Dolls (Happy Christmas Song)
13:50 - Decorative Christmas Stars - 2 ideas (Merry Christmas Song)
16:31 - Snowman Snowflakes (Christmas Jazz Orchestra Song)
19:04 - Pop-up Christmas Trees (Christmas Time Song)
21:12 - 3D Paper Ornaments - Christmas Ball (Silent Night Song)
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