Chocolate Ice Cream Pizza Story for Kids with Steve and Maggie | Maggie loves ice cream!

Chocolate Ice Cream Pizza Story for Kids with Steve and Maggie | Maggie loves ice cream! with tags steve and maggie, learning english, stories for children, wow english tv, english stories for children, maggie and steve, short stories for kids, english stories for kids, kids short stories, english for kids, magic english, english for children, english words, learn english kids, kids stories, learn english, speak english, wow, esl english, steve, english speaking, english education, speaking english, maggie, maggie magic, chocolate ice cream, pizza, ice cream
It´s pizza time! Steve loves pizza with cheese, ham and tomato. Maggie wants to make it even better so she puts a chocolate ice cream on top. That´s mad! Maggie, you naughty naughty bird! Will you eat the pizza with chocolate ice cream? No! Steve has to cook something else to eat but Maggie wants to help again. What will she put in Steve´s food this time? Let´s watch to find out! HAVE FUN and learn English with Steve and Maggie!
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