Chicky and the Puddle | D Billions Kids Songs


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- It's raining!

- My feet got wet!

- Boots!

- I fell.

In the puddle, puddle, puddle,

There can be a trouble, trouble.

In the puddle, in the puddle

Troubles, troubles, troubles.

- Sea monster! Wow!

- Where is my paper boat?

- Boom-Boom's sock!?

- А Frog?

In the puddle, puddle, puddle,

There can be a trouble, trouble.

In the puddle, in the puddle,

Troubles, troubles, troubles.

- A Baby Shark

- A Giant Shark

- I got an idea!

- Help! Help!

- Sand!

- I need more sand!

In the puddle, puddle, puddle,

There can be a trouble, trouble.

In the puddle, in the puddle,

Troubles, troubles, troubles.

- I'm tired.

- It's helping.

- It didnt work!

In the puddle, puddle, puddle,

There can be a trouble, trouble.

In the puddle, in the puddle,

Troubles, troubles, troubles.

- Sunlight.

- My paper boat.

- Thank you!

In the puddle, in the puddle

Troubles, troubles, troubles.

#DBillions #puddle #kidsvideo

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