βœ¨πŸŽ† Celebrate Christmas with Little Bugs! πŸŽ†βœ¨ COLLECTION 🐞 Kids Song Compilation 🌈 Boogie Bugs


βœ¨πŸŽ† Celebrate Christmas with Little Bugs! πŸŽ†βœ¨ COLLECTION 🐞 Kids Song Compilation 🌈 Boogie Bugs with tags santa, christmaskids, xmas kids, christmas songs, christmas baby, santaclaus, merrychristmas, xmas, christmaseve, christmas tree, christmas magic, toddlers christmas, first christmas, first christmas baby, christmas is coming, the nutcracker, noel, holidays, christmas nursery rhymes, bluey, pepa pig, little angel, paw patrol, pink fong, bichikids english, children music, children song, kid's song, kids music, bichikidsenglish, boogie bugs, boogie bugs songs, boogie, christmas

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#Christmas #Santa Claus #Gifts #NurseryRhymes #BoogieBugs #BoogieBugsEnglish #ForKids #ChildrenMusic #kidssong


00:00 Celebrate Christmas with Little Bugs!

02:10 If You Are Happy And You Know It

04:39 With The A A A

06:08 Yupi Cuki

08:29 Hello My Friend, Let’s Play Together

11:28 The Test

13:32 The little bugs are ready

15:50 Little bugs over here

17:15 Round Circle

19:28 The Musical Notes

21:38 The Little Bugs Round

24:54 Lo-Lo Plays All Around

27:19 The Love Bumblebee

29:48 Ring Around The Rosie

31:14 The Spider

33:36 Mi Mi The Ant

35:43 Na-Na, The Little Spider

38:20 Where do they go?

40:29 Ki-Ki the ladybug

42:56 Take Care of the Earth

44:38 Be-Be, The Bee

47:00 Co-Co, The Snail

49:12 The Yellow Caterpillar

51:08 Toto The Ant

53:56 La-La the Fly

56:11 In Couples

58:22 The flight of the butterfly

01:00:09 My Neighbour Joan

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🐞 A universe full of cute little bugs, all very curious, happy and eager to have fun! In each episode the β€œBoogie Bugs” find themselves with new situations just like children do. They also go discovering little by little, and in fun ways: textures, fragrances, foods, sounds, music, dance and certainly, friendship. In this manner, they learn to interact with the world that surrounds them.