Let's Have a Party πŸŽ‰ Music and Fun With Boogie Bugs! | Boogie Bugs


Let's Have a Party πŸŽ‰ Music and Fun With Boogie Bugs! | Boogie Bugs with tags bichikids, songs for babies, songs for children, kids songs, nursery rhymes, kids videos, cartoon, bichikids english, bichi kids, bichi, hindi children, indian devotional children song, children music, kid's song, kids music, bichikidsenglish, boogie bugs, boogie bugs songs, boogie, bugs, boogie bugs for kids, bichikids celebrate the spring, spring party, spring for kids, spring song, springtime song, the garden song, the four seasons, four seasons song, springtime for kids

Springtime is almost here, and Ti-Ti the Butterfly is having a party to celebrate. Everybody happily accepts the invitation. The question is: where is To-To the Ant?

#NurseryRhymes #BoogieBugs #BoogieBugsEnglish #ForKids #ChildrenMusic #KidsSong #toddlersongs


0:00 Let's have a party

2:25 If You Are Happy And You Know It

4:55 Ring Around The Rosie

6:21 Cold

9:25 Lo-Lo Plays All Around

16:47 Toto The Ant

19:34 Be-Be, The Bee

21:56 Round Circle

24:09 The Crazy Round

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🐞 A universe full of cute little bugs, all very curious, happy and eager to have fun! In each episode the β€œBoogie Bugs” find themselves with new situations just like children do. They also go discovering little by little, and in fun ways: textures, fragrances, foods, sounds, music, dance and certainly, friendship. In this manner, they learn to interact with the world that surrounds them.

Titulo Original: Hagamos Una Fiesta

Interprete - Voz Principal: Lua de Morais

Autor: Juan Manuel Farre

Compositor: MelodΓ­a Tradicional Popular "MambrΓΊ se fue a la guerra"

Arreglos : Enrique Estrada

Editorial: Leader Music