क्या है Caveman का Dream? | Bablu Dablu Adventures 2 | Bablu Dablu | Hindi Kahani | #Spot


क्या है Caveman का Dream? | Bablu Dablu Adventures 2 | Bablu Dablu | Hindi Kahani | #Spot with tags bablu dablu, bablu dablu aur lakha, bablu dablu cartoon, big bablu dablu, bablu dablu big magic, cartoon bablu dablu, bablu dablu magical cartoon, latest bablu dablu, bablu dablu ki kahani, bablu dablu new episode, cartoon bablu dablu cartoon, bablu, dablu, new big bablu dablu cartoon in hindi, lakkha cartoon story, bablu dablu hindi cartoon big magic, bablu dablu lakkha, dablu bablu video, bablu dablu moral story in hindi, bablu dablu ki jodi, boonie bear, mash and bear

Watch entertaining episodes of your favorite Bablu Dablu Now On Wow Kidz.

J.J. harbors a dream to see cavemen. He happens to see Vick’s flyer and asks him to help find the cavemen. Vick asks Bramble to get disguised as a caveman. However, J.J. sees through the trick and goes to find the cavemen himself angrily. Rex Vector invents some “growing potion” that can enlarge creatures. A crab used for experiments is accidentally contaminated by this potion. The crab grows into a huge one and wreaks havoc in the forest. J.J. is attacked by the huge crab. Vick and Bramble try to save him. Vick discovers the crab is afraid of water and works with J.J. to scare off the “monster” using a water gun. Then Vick and J.J. make up. J.J. accidentally picks up some hair that might belong to some caveman. Then J.J. decides to study hard so that one day he can realize his dream and find the cavemen. Watch the episode now on Wow Kidz.

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क्या है Caveman का Dream? | Bablu Dablu Adventures 2 | Bablu Dablu | Hindi Kahani | #Spot