Building Spaghetti and Marshmallows Tower | The Tallest Tower Challenge

Building Spaghetti and Marshmallows Tower | The Tallest Tower Challenge with tags marshmallow challenge, science for kids, marshmallow challenge ted talk, marshmallow challenge tower, marshmallow challenge video, marshmallow challenge kindergarten, marshmallow challenge team building, science for kids, spaghetti, spaghetti tower challenge, spaghetti tower marshmallow challenge, spaghetti tower challenge instructions, spaghetti tower competition, spaghetti tower ideas, spaghetti tower designs, spaghetti tower team building, spaghetti tower with marshmallows
I should say that not all marshmallows lasted through the challenge. A few disappeared right before I managed to state the first rule of the challenge: Don't eat marshmallows! But we still ended up with a tower that was 70 centimetres high. We encourage you to take on the challenge and build an even taller tower.
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