Boarding School - Hardest Goodbye!


Boarding School - Hardest Goodbye! with tags family fun pack, family fun pack alyssa, family fun pack michael, family fun pack twins, family fun pack david, family fun pack owen, family fun pack zac, family fun pack chris, family vlog, img academy, img academy sports, img academy soccer, family fun pack soccer, boarding schools, florida schools, img academy summer training camps, img academy food, family fun pack road trip, family fun pack travel, family fun pack florida

We dropped our five oldest off at IMG Academy this week. IMG Academy is a boarding school in Florida that focuses on elite sports and athletics. It is a premier sports school in the nation! Our 5 oldest went to train in one of their summer programs for soccer. This will give them a taste of what it would be like to be a full time student at IMG. They will board there during the program which means eating and sleeping there (yes you can expect vlogs of this on each of their individual channels soon as well!). We will have another vlog on FFP that will give you guys a more intensive look at what it is like at IMG because we spent some time with them on campus so we could see what it was all about! If you are into sports, you should DEFINITELY check out IMG Academy. We highly recommend them. It truly is the best of the best when it comes to sports!

Promo code familyfun22 offers $100 off each week of camp booked.

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Hi guys, I'm Kristine and I began documenting my journey through motherhood here on YouTube in 2011. Family Fun Pack is my family of 9 who love to travel and live life to the fullest. With new videos of our daily adventures and milestones posted regularly, you are sure be entertained on our channel. I offer parenting advice, meal ideas, travel tips and travel ideas. I like to share my parenting style along the way in a subtle way that comes across as I vlog my daily life. Our videos are authentic family fun. Thanks for following my journey though parenthood as a mom!

Want to send fan mail? You can find our address in our "about" section here on YouTube.

Thank you to IMG for hosting us!!

#familyfunpack #imgacademy #soccer