Black or White, We All Are One - ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs


Black or White, We All Are One - ChuChu TV Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs with tags chuchu tv songs 2019, chuchu tv, chuchutv, children songs, baby songs, best nursery rhymes, babies videos, toddler songs, songs for babies, children's story, kindergarten songs, videos for babies, sing-along, children learning, education, kid songs, babies songs, nursery rhymes, kids video songs, sing-along songs, best kids songs, kids videos, kids song, we are all one song

Black or White, We All Are One Song Lyrics:

Black or white

Brown or gray

It doesn’t matter

when we play

Red or blue

green or yellow

They all glow - my

cute little fellow

Roses are red

Violets are blue

Both are flowers

isn’t that true?

Berries are red

A Banana is yellow

Don’t they taste nice

my little fellow?

Green or blue

Violet or orange

It’s all the same

the name of colors

Trees or flowers

Veggies or fruits

In the end

they all are one

We all are one

Under the sun

The difference is none

let's all have fun

Let’s all be of

Different colors, though

together we form

a bright rainbow

Our eyes are two - but

The vision is one

Our hands are two - but

the work is one

Our legs are two - but

The journey is one

Our ears are two – but

that we hear is one

Black or white - we

All are human that’s right

Brown or gray - we

all are human that’s right

One in all - and

All in one

In the end - we

all have won

Black or white

Brown or gray

It’s just the same

for it’s me and you

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Video: Copyright 2020 ChuChu TV® Studios

Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2020 ChuChu TV® Studios

ChuChu TV ®, Cutians ®, all the characters and logos

used are the registered trademarks of ChuChu TV Studios


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