Bingo wants Pancakes! | Animal Learning Videos | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


Bingo wants Pancakes! | Animal Learning Videos | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags animal songs, dance along, funny songs, kids music, little angel, little angel animals, nursery rhymes, playtime for kids, songs for toddlers, toddler songs, animal sounds, animals, english songs, friends, kids dance, kids education, kids songs, litle angel, little angel, nursery songs, rhymes, sing along, songs for kids

Baby John, Jack, and Jill try putting ketchup on different foods.

Watch this educational animal kids song by Little Angel Animals #littleangelanimals #littleangelanimalsnurseryrhymes #BabyJohn

Watch this educational animal kids song by Little Angel Animals #littleangelanimals #littleangelanimalsnurseryrhymes #BabyJohn

Song Lyrics:

Ketchup, we love ketchup

Ketchup on everything

Ketchup, we love ketchup

It’s our favourite thing

Ketchup on your cereal – Yum, Yum, Yum

Try it, do you like it?

Jill, Baby John sing:

Yuk, Yuk, Yuk!

Ketchup, we love ketchup

Ketchup on everything

Ketchup, we love ketchup

It’s our favourite thing

Ketchup on your pancakes – will you try some?

Jack, Baby John sign:

It is – very messy, but tastes so YUM!

Ketchup, we love ketchup

Ketchup on everything

Ketchup, we love ketchup

It’s our favourite thing

Ketchup on bananas – what’s it like?

Jill, Baby John sign:

I don’t really like it, It’s not nice!

Ketchup, we love ketchup

Ketchup on everything

Ketchup, we love ketchup

It’s our favourite thing

Ketchup on your carrots, is it good to eat?

Jack, Baby John sign:

It is - very tasty, my favourite treat!

Ketchup, we love ketchup

Ketchup with lots of things

Ketchup, we love ketchup

But not with everything!

Watch Our Playlists:

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

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#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes

00:00 SH Ketchup Song

03:06 Where Are My Feet?

06:37 Animal Sounds

10:21 Daddy's Little Girl

13:54 New Baby In The Family

16:28 Getting Ready For Bed