Bingo Is Sick... Baby Jon too| Animal Learning Videos | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


Bingo Is Sick... Baby Jon too| Animal Learning Videos | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags animal songs, dance along, funny songs, kids music, little angel, little angel animals, nursery rhymes, playtime for kids, songs for toddlers, toddler songs, animal sounds, animals, english songs, friends, kids dance, kids education, kids songs, litle angel, little angel, nursery songs, rhymes, sing along, songs for kids

Everyone is sick except for Mom, so she takes care of them.

Watch this educational animal kids song by Little Angel Animals #littleangelanimals #littleangelanimalsnurseryrhymes #BabyJohn

Watch this educational animal kids song by Little Angel Animals #littleangelanimals #littleangelanimalsnurseryrhymes #BabyJohn

Song Lyrics:

Little Baby John you don’t feel well

Your little nose is runny and we can tell

Your head is warm and you feel so bad

We will help you so don’t be sad

Little Baby John here’s your favorite toy

The one that makes you a happy boy

Baby John where’s your little smile?

You’ll feel better in a little while

Little Baby John stay close to me

Mommy’s going to rock you off to sleep

You look tired and bear does too

You need some rest

You’ll be better soon

Little Baby John here have some juice

Daddy/we will help take care of you

Even puppy wants you well again

He loves you Baby John

You're his very best friend

Let’s put Baby John in the crib to sleep

We’ll all be quiet and won’t make a peep

You’ll feel better in the morning light

Hush Baby John, good night, good night

Baby John you look happy today

Your sniffles and your fever have gone away

Your family loves you and you’re okay

Now we can all go out to play

Watch Our Playlists:

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

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#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes

00:00 Baby Is Sick 2

04:13 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

06:17 Baby Shark

08:10 Bath Song (With Dad)

12:17 Trip To A Theme Park