BFF Nursery Rhymes | Fun Friendship Songs S5EP05 Learning Fun Megamix - LooLoo Kids Songs for Kids


BFF Nursery Rhymes | Fun Friendship Songs S5EP05 Learning Fun Megamix - LooLoo Kids Songs for Kids

00:00:08 - The more we get together

00:02:18 - Elephant and the Ant

00:04:23 - Hide and Seek

00:07:34 - A Sailor Went to sea

00:10:43 - Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe

00:12:23 - Incy Wincy Spider

00:14:00 - The Muffin Man

00:15:56 - Incy Wincy Spider

00:17:49 - I Spy

00:20:44 - The more we get together

00:22:49 - Gossey Gander

00:24:25 - Five Little Friends

00:26:27 - This is Me

00:28:33 - Catch Me If You Can

00:30:23 - Not Now

00:32:36 - Shapes Song

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Enjoy educational songs and stories for preschool kids created by experts in children's education!

Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en inglés para niños, barnvisorna på engelska, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, 英文兒歌, Písničky v angličtině, أناشيد أطفال باللغة الإنجليزية, अंग्रेजी में नर्सरी कविताएं, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, Barnerim på engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก

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