Ballerina Song | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes


Ballerina Song | Little Angel Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes with tags ballet recital, jill song, kids songs, kids videos, learning, little angel, little angel english, little angel kids songs, little angel nursery rhymes, little angels, little angle, little john nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, preschool music, sing along, sing-along, songs for kids, toddler songs

Jill has stage fright during her ballet recital and most overcome her fears.

Watch this 3D Sing-Along by Little Angel. #littleangel #littleangelnurseryrhymes #babyjohn

Song Lyrics:

I’m scared

Oh no

But now it’s almost time

I can

I hope

And now it’s almost time

I’ll dance

I’ll try!

Let’s go!


It’s my first show

I must be brave

My first show

It’ll all be okay

My first show

But will I be great?

Look at me glow!

Today’s the da-a-ay

I’m scared

Oh no

But now’s my time to shine

I can

I hope

Cause now’s my time to shine


The lights!

Let’s go!


It’s my first show

I must be brave

My first show

It’ll all be okay

My first show

But will I be great?

Look at me glow!

Today’s the da-a-ay

I’m brave

Oh yes

Now you can watch me shine

I do

My best

Oh, when you watch me shine

Show time (show time)

The lights! (the lights)

Let’s go! (let’s go)


It’s my first show

I am so brave

My first show

It’ll all be okay

My first show

Because I am great!

Look at me glow!

Today’s the da-a-ay

It’s my first show

I am so brave

My first show

It’ll all be okay

My first show

Because I am great!

Look at me glow!

Today's the da-a-ay!

Watch Our Playlists:

These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

Moonbug Entertainment, inc. All Rights Reserved

#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes

00:00 Jill's First Ballet Recital

03:04 Princess Recycle Tea Party

05:54 My Pink Car

08:54 Playdate at the Movies

11:53 Beach Rescue Team

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18:30 My sister song