Baby Taku's World - Baby’s in the Garden song - ChuChu TV Sing-along Nursery Rhymes


Baby Taku's World - Baby’s in the Garden song - ChuChu TV Sing-along Nursery Rhymes with tags baby taku's world - baby’s in the garden song, baby songs and dance, children songs, baby songs, nursery rhymes baby, nursery rhymes for babies, baby songs a b c d, songs for babies, baby songs nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes bingo, videos for babies, sing-along, kid songs, babies songs, nursery rhymes, baby songs sleep, sing-along songs, baby songs lyrics, nursery rhymes playlist for children, kids song, baby songs new, chuchu tv, chuchu tv songs

Baby Taku's World - Baby’s in the Garden song Lyrics :

Baby’s in the garden

On a bright and sunny day

The garden’s full of visitors

On this lovely day

Baby’s going to have fun

Make new friends and play

Look around you baby

who do you see today?!

Look, look Mommy,

Look at who I see

There’s a baby squirrel

Climbing up this tree

Baby’s going to give him

Some crunchy nuts to chew

Baby’s going to tell him

Squirrel, I love you!

Look, look Mommy

Look at the butterfly

If baby runs towards it,

It flies away From flower to flower

The butterfly flits

Pretty little visitor

Baby sends a kiss!

Look here, Mommy

Look who’s on this rock

It’s a green froggy

Going hippity-hoppity-hop

Ribbit-ribbit froggy

Good morning to you

Jumping-leaping froggy

Can baby hop with you?

Look, look Mommy

Someone’s in that tree

It’s a Mommy birdie

With chicks, one, two, three

Opening their yellow beaks

Chirping cheep, cheep, cheep

Sing sweet li’l birdies

Please sing for Mommy and me!

View other NEW 3D Animated Nursery Rhymes with Baby Taku from ChuChu TV:

Nursery rhymes in English


Video: Copyright 2023 ChuChu TV® Studios

Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2023 ChuChu TV® Studios

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