Baby Taku's World - Baby’s in the Garden + More ChuChu TV Sing-along Nursery Rhymes


Baby Taku's World - Baby’s in the Garden + More ChuChu TV Sing-along Nursery Rhymes with tags baby taku's world - baby’s in the garden, baby songs and dance, children songs, baby songs, nursery rhymes baby, nursery rhymes for babies, baby songs a b c d, songs for babies, baby songs nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes bingo, videos for babies, sing-along, kid songs, babies songs, nursery rhymes, baby songs sleep, sing-along songs, baby songs lyrics, nursery rhymes playlist for children, kids song, baby songs new, chuchu tv, chuchu tv songs

00:05 Baby Taku's World - Baby’s in the Garden

02:11 Baby Taku's World - My Imaginary Friend

04:47 Baby Taku's World - Put Your Toys Away

07:57 Baby Taku's World - Baby is scared

11:12 Johny Johny Yes Papa - Baby Taku Version

12:35 I Like Vegetables

15:04 Happy Birthday Song - Its Baby's Birthday

17:37 Yes Yes Back from School

23:24 The Wheels On The Bus - Colors

27:15 Yes Yes Fruits

View other NEW 3D Animated Nursery Rhymes with Baby Taku from ChuChu TV:

Nursery rhymes in English


Video: Copyright 2023 ChuChu TV® Studios

Music and Lyrics: Copyright 2023 ChuChu TV® Studios

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