Baby John’s Underwater Fun! | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs


Baby John’s Underwater Fun! | Little Angel And Friends Kid Songs with tags baby angel, baby john, baby songs, best kids songs, children songs, disney princess, educational kids songs, jill, kid videos, kids songs, kids videos, learning song, little angel, little angels, little angle, mermaid, nursery rhymes, pre school videos, preschool music, princess, princess cartoon, princess songs, princesses, sing along, songs for kids, toddler songs

Baby John, Jack, and Jill, with Mom & Dad take off for an underwater adventure.

#BabyJohn #SingAlongs #EducationalSongs



We can have fun

So much to see and do


We can have fun

Out on the ocean blue

Ocean waves crashing rocks

sailing on the sea

moving down and moving up

We are having some fun

Fun times

Ready to go

Explorers of the sea

Fun times

Together is fun

We are a family


We can have fun

So much to see and do


We can have fun

Out on the ocean blue

Ocean friends, we can find

Underneath the sea

Hold your breath, open your eyes

You’re ready to swim

Fun times

Ready to go

Explorers of the sea

Fun times

Together is fun

We are a family


We can have fun

So much to see and do


We can have fun

Out on the ocean blue

Swimming swimming

In the sea

finding pretty fish

Wales and sharks clownfish too

So many to see

Fun times

Ready to go

Explorers of the sea

Fun times

Together is fun

We are a family


We can have fun

So much to see and do


We can have fun

Out on the ocean blue

Corals, clams, tiny fish

underneath the sea

Hiding under our feet

Please, don’t swim near me!

Fun times

Ready to go

Explorers of the sea

Fun times

Together is fun

We are a family


We can have fun

So much to see and do


We can have fun

Out on the ocean blue

Jellyfish, crabs and eels

living in the sea

watch out for Baby Shark

He wants to come dance!

Fun times

Ready to go

Explorers of the sea

Fun times

Together is fun

Out on the ocean doo doo

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These rhymes for children help teach basic skills and improves their ability to comprehend and follow directions. Nursery rhymes and kid’s songs accelerate phonetic awareness improving children's word comprehension, reading and writing skills.

Moonbug Entertainment, inc. All Rights Reserved

#littleangelnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes

00:00 Ocean Song

03:09 It's Make up time

06:10 Toy Car Race

09:18 Rain Rain Go Away

12:16 No Boo Boo for Bingo

15:13 Where is My Lollipop

18:13 Eat your Vegetables