Autumn Songs Autumn Songs For Kids Fall Season Songs Kids Autumn Songs by The Learning Station


Autumn Songs Autumn Songs For Kids Fall Season Songs Kids Autumn Songs by The Learning Station with tags autumn songs, autumn songs playlist, autumn songs for preschool, autumn songs for toddlers, autumn songs for kindergarten, autumn songs for primary school, autumn songs 2022, the learning station, autumn songs for children, fall songs for children, fall songs for kids, kids songs, children’s autumn songs, preschool songs, fall songs, autumn song, autumn songs lyrics, autumn song for children, fall songs for preschoolers, fall songs for kindergarten, fall song for kids

Autumn songs for kids to celebrate the Fall season. Sing-a-long and dance along to kids Autumn songs. 20 minutes of Fall season songs!

Way Up High in an Apple Tree starts off this collection of Autumn seasonal songs followed by Baby Shark Autumn and six more Learning Station songs.

0:00 Intro

0:04 Way Up High in an Apple Tree

3:01 Baby Shark Autumn

5:13 Scarecrow

8:25 Autumn Leave Are Falling Down

10:14 Orange, Yellow, Red and Brown

11:10 Grey Squirrel

14:18 It's Fall Again

16:20 Leaves On the Tree

Get, Way Up High in an Apple Tree, Scarecrow, Autumn Leaves Are Falling Down, Orange, Yellow, Red and Brown, Grey Squirrel and Leaves On the Tree

on the full CD Download Children's Favorites - Autumn Songs & Fingerplays

Get It's Fall Again on the full CD download of Seasonal Songs in Motion here:

The Learning Station on Spotify here:

The Learning Station on Amazon Music here:

All songs by The Learning Station® (Also, known as Learning Station)

℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station (All rights reserved.)

LYRICS for Way Up High in an Apple Tree:

Way up high in an apple tree,

Five red apples smiled down at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could,

Down came an apple! Mmmmm it was good!

Way up high in that apple tree,

Four red apples smiled down at me.

Way up high in that apple tree.

Four red apples smiled down at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could.

Down came an apple! Mmmmm it was good!

Way up high in that apple tree,

Three red apples smiled down at me.

Way up high in that apple tree.

Three red apples smiled down at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could.

Down came an apple! Mmmmm it was good!

Way up high in that apple tree,

Two red apples smiled down at me.

Way up high in that apple tree.

Two red apples smiled down at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could.

Down came an apple! Mmmmm it was good!

Way up high in that apple tree,

One red apple smiled down at me.

Way up high in that apple tree.

One red apple smiled down at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could.

Down came an apple! Mmmmm it was good!

Way up high in that apple tree,

No red apples smiled down at me.

Way up high in that apple tree.

No more apples smiling down at me.

I shook that tree as hard as I could.

Down came no apples! They're gone for good!

Way up high in that apple tree,

No more apples left for me.




#AutumnSongs #FallSongs #SeasonalSongs #FoliageSongs

#actionsongs #FallSongsForKIds #KidsAutumnSongs #kidsFallSongs #ScarecrowSong #movementsongs #actionsongsforkids #SeasonalSongsForKids #songsfortoddlers #preschoolsongs #kindergartensongs #thelearningstation #learningstation #kidssongs #childrensongs #songsforpreschoolers #WayUpHighInAnAppleTree