Artist Spotlight | April 2022

Artist Spotlight | April 2022 with tags how to draw, cartooning club, draw, drawing, cartooning club how to draw, cartooning, cartoon club, online class, cartoon club how to draw, online classes, online education, online learning, e learning, virtual learning, sketch, art classes online, art class online, online class free, online classroom, homeschooled, homeschool programs, online education masters, online education program, art lesson ideas, e learning platforms
Words can't explain how amazing it feels to see all the wonderful artwork submissions this month. Thank you so much for supporting our arts community.
Moving forward we will be making a few changes to the spotlight submission process. If you would like a chance to have your artwork featured in our monthly spotlight just follow these simple rules.
1. Subscribe to this channel
2. Draw from any one of our thousands of lessons. There are no limits. Just take your time and do your best.
3. Share you artwork with me directly on Instagram by tagging me @cartooning4kids. Unfortunately we are unable to accept DM's or email at this time.
Thank you and good luck.
Support this channel by becoming a member:
Your contribution helps pay for every single lesson we share. Everything from paper, Sharpies, color markers and even the electric bill helps keep our channel going. Thank you so much for your patronage.
Whether you're homeschooling, virtual learning or taking some online classes our Cartooning Club channel has thousands of how to draw tutorials available for all artistic levels and age groups. Our online classes are designed to make even the most difficult subjects easy to follow.
You can also help support my work by sharing this channel with your friends and tuning in each day for my daily tutorials.
#howtodraw #cartooningclub