Annie and Auntie want the same Colored Fruit Noodles


Annie and Auntie want the same Colored Fruit Noodles with tags noodles, colored noodles, fruit noodles, fruits, black noodles, korean noodles, korean, want to eat noodles, colorful noodles, cooking, cooking noodles, making, learn to share, travel, travel to, friends, uncle, auntie, toy, toys for kids, toys, annie, suri, for kids, video for kids, sammy, toys and colors, funny kids, funny kids video, kid stories, stories, pretend play, kidsplay, kids play, children

Annie's story about her delicious plate of noodles being eaten by a cat. She was very angry. Auntie helped her by taking her to the country of noodles. There, the both of them enjoyed various types of noodles. And, especially, they got to savor a very special plate of noodles from their homeland.

This video helped the children learn about the journey of a country where special types of noodles are produced around the world.