Annie and 10th Birthday Special Story with Princess Cake & Friends


Annie and 10th Birthday Special Story with Princess Cake & Friends with tags birthday, birthday cake, special birthday, birthday present, birthday party, birthday song, happy birthday song, surprise, celebrate, bake, baking, sweet, challenge, fun, friends, uncle, auntie, toy, toys for kids, toys, annie, suri, jolie, johnny, for kids, video for kids, sammy, toys and colors, funny kids, funny kids video, kid stories, stories, pretend play, kidsplay, kids play, children

Today is 10th birthday of Annie. She is very happy and proud of this. She made a birthday cake to celebrate with her classmates but it was broken when she fell in her school way. In the class, she feel very sad about it but finally, everyone gave her a surprise by making a princess birthday cake with her face in the front which looks very cute. Lyndon was a surprised friend for her with joining to make special birthday cake and decoration.