All Season 2 Air Experiments | Science Max


All Season 2 Air Experiments | Science Max with tags science max, experiments, science, awesome, awesome experiments, home experiments, educational, tvo, science max experiments at large, science experiments

Phil experiments with air, from air balloons to air cannons its time to Science!

#ScienceMax #Science #ScienceExperiments #airexperiments #atmosphere #experiment #hotairballoon #aircannon #rockets #sound #gravity

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Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered β€œWhat would this be like if it were HUGE?” Welcome to Science Max, the exciting new series that turbocharges all the science experiments you’ve done at home.

00:00:00 Hot and Cold

00:21:10 Sounds

00:42:05 Lightning

01:03:07 Gravity

01:24:07 Moving Air