ANTACID ROCKET + More Experiments At Home | Science Max | Full Episodes


ANTACID ROCKET + More Experiments At Home | Science Max | Full Episodes with tags science max, experiments, science, awesome experiments, home experiments, educational, science max experiments at large, science experiments, extreme science, science for everyone, interesting experiments, science education, learning from home, home school, science max season 2, science max full episodes, big experiments, fun experiment

#ScienceMax #BigExperiments #Science

Have you ever done a science experiment and wondered “What would this be like if it were HUGE?” Welcome to Science Max, the exciting series that turbocharges all the science experiments you’ve done at home.

0:00 - Antacid Rocket - When antacid tablets mix with water, you get a chemical reaction. Phil harnesses this to make several variations on rockets! Plus: Why acids and bases react, how to use chemistry to make light, instant crystals, or pop balloons.

20:58 - Gravity Boat - Phil tries to max-out a boat that propels itself using nothing but water and gravity. We pour over water specifically and fluids in general. Heavy air, fluid sand, Archimedes and the metric system; this episode overflows with science!

41:26 - Hydraulics - Starting with a small, syringe powered hydraulic arm, Phil maxxes things out by learning how to use the mechanical advantage of hydraulics to crush stuff!!! Plus: Filtering water, the Archimedes screw, hydro dipping and more!