Alice the Camel Nursery Rhyme Songs Animal Songs Counting Songs by The Learning Station


Alice the Camel Nursery Rhyme Songs Animal Songs Counting Songs by The Learning Station with tags #alice the camel, nursery rhymes, kids songs, alice the camel song, childrens song, camel song, counting song, sally the camel, preschool songs, counting songs, kids videos, the learning station, songs for children, animal songs, kid songs, children song, super simple songs, song for kids, kids song, sing-along songs, alice the camel song lyrics, nursery rhymes for preschoolers, nursery rhymes for kindergarten, songs for kids party, songs for kids to sing

Alice the Camel is a fun nursery rhyme, animal song, that teaches children that counting backwards from 10 humps to no humps can be very silly because at the end Alice is a horse! This song is best used as a simple brain break with 2 or more children and carefully bumping hips is allowed!

Alice the Camel is on All-Time Children's Favorites. Get the full CD download:

Alice the Camel ℗©Monopoli/The Learning Station aka Learning Station

All rights reserved


Can you tell me how many humps a camel has?

I don’t know, how many humps does a camel have?

Well, there’s only one way that we could find out.

Let’s sing a song about our camel friend named Alice

And begin with 10 humps. Here we go.

Alice the camel has 10 humps. Alice the camel has 10 humps.

Alice the camel has 10 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 9 humps. Alice the camel has 9 humps.

Alice the camel has 9 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 8 humps. Alice the camel has 8 humps.

Alice the camel has 8 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 7 humps. Alice the camel has 7 humps.

Alice the camel has 7 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 6 humps. Alice the camel has 6 humps.

Alice the camel has 6 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 5 humps. Alice the camel has 5 humps.

Alice the camel has 5 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 4 humps. Alice the camel has 4 humps.

Alice the camel has 4 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 3 humps. Alice the camel has 3 humps.

Alice the camel has 3 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 2 humps. Alice the camel has 2 humps.

Alice the camel has 2 humps. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has 1 hump. Alice the camel has 1 hump.

Alice the camel has 1 hump. Go Alice go, bum bum bum

Alice the camel has no humps. Alice the camel has no humps.

Alice the camel has no humps cuz Alice was a horse, bum bum bum




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