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Abracadabra! Bippity boppity boo! Alakazam! Hocus Pocus! Magicians and their magic tricks provide us with lots of entertainment. From ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ to wondering for weeks how they managed to do them, magicians are for certain a mystical experience that the young and the old can enjoy. But magic tricks are only a sleight of the hand. So whether it’s the famous Penn & Teller, the crazy Darren Brown or the magnificent Dynamo, these sorcerer's tricks can be recreated by you! Ta-da! Here are 14 simple magic tricks you can learn and practice in the comfort of your own home. Each trick gives a step-by-step on how to do it yourself and the materials you need. There is no need to worry about splashing the cash on silly starter kits and hats with rabbits in either because they all use items that you can find around the house. So get ready for a night of mystery and hold your very own magic show! Some low-cost, family-friendly fun sounds like the perfect source of entertainment.
⭕ Coloured Water Magic {Easy coloured water magic!}
⭕ Magic Ice Trick {Turn water into ice in seconds}
⭕ Balancing Bucks {Balancing money magic trick}
⭕ Disappearing Cups {Classic vanishing cup trick}
⭕ Magical Balancing Act {Can you balance items on a card?}
⭕ Fun Fruity Magic {Slice a banana WITHOUT peeling it}
⭕ Levitating Cup {Cool floating magic trick}
⭕ Magic Cup Drop {Watch this cool cup trick}
⭕ Disappearing Crayon Trick {Make crayons vanish like magic}
⭕ Floating Drinks {Freaky floating drink illusion}
⭕ Magical Moving Straws {Easy moving illusion trick}
⭕ Plucked From Thin Air {DIY a classic magic trick}
⭕ Mind Magic {Make a ring move with your mind}
⭕ Make Art with Magic {Fun magic trick to do at home}