1234 Song | Learn Numbers | Count to 10


1234 Song | Learn Numbers | Count to 10 with tags 1234, 1234 song, 123, 123 song, count to 10, count to 10 song, count by 10, count by 10 song, 123 go, 1234 go, numbers, number, counting, count, counting to 10, counting by 10, for kids, kids, children, education, educational, nursery rhymes, nursery, rhymes

Count to 10 with this 1234 Song for Kids

Learning numbers has never been so easy with this simple 1234 counting song by Mega Fun Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes

------- Lyrics:

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 and 10

Let’s count to 10, again.

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 and 10

Let’s count to 10, again.

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 and 10

Let’s count to 10, again.

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 - 10

1234 - 5678 - 9 and 10

Now we know how to count to 10.

-------- Other counting songs:

--------- Thanks for watching! Here at Mega Fun Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes we create simple educational videos for kids with an aim to inspire learning and curiosity from a young age. We try to ensure every video we create is as clear, simple, and easy to understand as possible.

Mega Fun Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes Copyright 2023

#1234 #Counting #Numbers