Yes Yes Playground Song | CoCoMelon Nursery Rhymes


Yes Yes Playground Song | CoCoMelon Nursery Rhymes with tags cocomelon, abckidtv, nursery rhymes, children songs, baby songs, kid songs, kindergarten songs, toddler songs, kids song, education, children learning, sing-along, sing-along songs, kids videos, kids video songs, videos for babies, songs for babies, babies songs, babies videos, children's story, best nursery rhymes, best kids songs

Mom and J.J. are playing in the park! Join them and sing along for some fun!Subscribe for new videos every week: http://www.Cocomelon.comFACEBOOK: Shoes, shoes, its time to wear your shoesYes, yes, yes, I want to wear my shoesGood, good, the shoes are good for youYay, yay, yay, I like them, ooh!See, see, Teddy likes the shoesOne, two, three, almost on, you see!Yes, yes, yes, Ill put them on right now!Stomp, stomp, stomp, I like them, wow!Sunscreen, sunscreen, its time to put on sunscreenYes, yes, yes, I want to wear the sunscreenGood, good, the sunscreens good for youYay, yay, yay, I like it, ooh!See, see, Elephant likes the sunscreenOne, two, three, almost on, you see!Yes, yes, yes, Ill put it on right now!Rub, rub, rub, I like it, wow!Bars, bars, why dont you climb the barsYes, yes, yes, I want to climb the barsGood, good, the bars are fun for youYay, yay, yay, I like them, ooh!See, see, Monkey likes the barsOne, two, three, climbings fun, you see!Yes, yes, yes, you see Im climbing now!Climb, climb, climb, I like it, wow!Slide, slide, why dont you try the slideYes, yes, yes I want to try the slideGood, good, sliding is fun for youYay, yay, yay, I like it, ooh!See, see, Mousie likes to slideOne, two, three, slidings fun, you see!Yes, yes, yes, you see Im sliding now!Slide, slide, slide, I like it, wow!Swings, swings, why dont you push the swingsYes, yes, yes I want to push the swingsGood, good, I want to swing with youYay, yay, yay, I like it ooh!See, see, Teddy likes to pushOne, two, three, way up high, you see!Yes, yes, yes, come here, Ill push you now!Swing, swing, swing, I like it, wow!Watch Our Playlist: http://www.Cocomelon.comFACEBOOK: other nursery rhymes and kids songs:Please and Thank You Phonics Song'm Sorry/Excuse Me Song Up Song Song Birthday Song Original ABC Song, Nursery rhymes in English, canciones en ingls para nios, Comptines en anglais, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak, barnvisorna p engelska, Msicas em ingls para crianas, Gyerekzene, Kinderlieder in Englisch, , Psniky v anglitin, , , Barnerim p engelsk, Canzoni per bambini in inglese, Engelse kinderliedjes, Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, Copyright Treasure Studio, Inc. All Rights Reserved.