Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum | Rosa Parks Rides the Bus | PBS KIDS


Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum | Rosa Parks Rides the Bus | PBS KIDS with tags pbs kids, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, disney jr., nickelodeon, nick jr., cartoon network, games, videos, full episodes, full episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, rosa parks, civil rights, segregation, civil disobedience, xavier riddle and the secret museum, black history for kids, equality for all, black history, black power, nonviolent protest, equality movement, african american history, montgomery bus boycott, change makers

Xavier, Yadina and Brad join Rosa Parks on the bus, where they learn that dark-skinned people like her have to sit at the back and give up their seats for white people. When Rosa refuses to give up her seat, however, she inspires others like her to stand up for the right to be treated equally.

#PBSKIDS #XavierRiddle #RosaParks #CivilRights #EqualityForAll #BlackHistoryForKids