WORLDS SMALLEST MONSTER TRUCK TOY! with tags ghost, scary, halloween, ghostbusters, avengers, infinity, war, thanos, lego, marvel, superhero, super, hero, iron, man, ryden, andy, andrew, schrock, father, son, dad, child, kid, family, matters, quality, time, toys, toy, playset, package, play, building, cool, review, fun, funny, cute, adorable, 80s, 1980s, cartoon, best, funniest, let's, lets, hilarious, 1970, 1970s, haha, ever, atst, rouge, one, at-st, walker, hoth, speeder, blaster, missle, laser, beam, blast, battle, showdown, epic, ultimate, captain, hulk, avenger, mario, brothers, stranger, things, minecraft
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This was TOO cool. The tiny Monster Trucks are cool enough but a launcher!? We had so much fun playing with this. We hope you did too! More videos all the time so stay tuned!