WILL IT TIE DYE? - Ultimate FOOD Test!

WILL IT TIE DYE? - Ultimate FOOD Test! with tags cotton candy, candy, fair, fair food, faire, recipe, jellybeans, from scratch, simple, easy, step by step, guide, tutorial, food, tasty, delicious, yummy, app, app game, game, lets play, gameplay, unlock, impossible, perfect, guest, collab, cat, animal, pet, rosanna pansino, perfection, have to try, tips, tricks, fail, epic fail, win, nailed it, chef, how to make, how to cook, how to bake, decorate, kitchen, challenge, sweet, treat, idea, gift, party, will it, sour, most sour, super sour
Today we test... WILL IT TIE DYE?? Using only FOOD!
Snapchat/TikTok: rosannapansino
I hope you enjoy today' #Tutorial #Testing video! We tried many different ways to Tie Dye using only real #food!
xoxo Ro