We Pretend to Send Ourselves in a Magic Box! But Ended Up Getting LOST!

We Pretend to Send Ourselves in a Magic Box! But Ended Up Getting LOST! with tags fun squad, the fun squad, we pretend to mail ourselves, kalia, kade, we mailed ourselves, vacation, adventure, skit
We Pretend to Send Ourselves Again!✉️ (pretend made up skit) This video is a skit and is fake. All events are staged and there is adult supervision at all times. We didn't really send ourselves anywhere but this is a silly skit we filmed as a pretend video.
We mailed ourselves in a magic box to AUSTRALIA🦘 but we got lost and ended up time traveling! We got chased by a dinosaur 🦖, and landed on the moon🌛! In this fun and playful SKIT, we pretend to travel in a box 📦 and accidentally find out we can time travel⏰. See what we do on the journey, the fun games 🎲🧩 we play, the adventures we have, and how we pass the time.
Check out the other times we mailed ourselves!📦📬
Kyler was SO LITTLE in this “We Pretend To Mail Ourselves” video ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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