Wash your hands to Happy Birthday SongPersonal Hygiene Tips & Prevention by The Learning Station


Wash your hands to Happy Birthday SongPersonal Hygiene Tips & Prevention by The Learning Station with tags personal hygiene, personal hygiene videos, department of health, wash your hands, hand hygiene, healthy habits, good habits for kids, hand washing song, happy birthday to you, wash your hands for kids, wash hands song for children, wash your hands song, good habits, wash your hands before you eat, happy birthday, wash your hands kids, hand hygiene for kids, hand hygiene video, the learning station, hand hygiene song, happy birthday song, clean hands, washing hands

Wash your hands (hand hygiene/clean hands) to Happy Birthday. These personal hygiene habits are in accordance to the Department of Health. You can download this message for FREE: https://www.learningstationmusic.com/product/wash-your-hands/Washing your hands to the Tune of Happy Birthday witch is equivalent to 20 seconds. Make sure you don't forget your thumbs. These are important personal hygiene tips and habits. Hi boys and girls this is Don Monopoli from The Learning Station.Today we are going to learn some good personal hygiene habits according to the Department of Health. If possible, everybody should take a shower or a bath every day. If this is not possible then take a sponge bath.Brushing your teeth after each meal is the best way of making sure that gum disease and tooth decay are avoided. It is very important to clean teeth after breakfast and immediately before going to bed.Washing your hair with shampoo at least once a week.Washing hands with soap before preparing and/or eating food. After normal daily activities, such as working, playing, and using the bathroom. Disease causing germs may get onto the hands and under the nails. Hand Hygiene / Clean Hands Song:Wash Your Hands Song:Happy BirthdayHappy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you.Today we are going to demonstrate the proper way of washing our hands like a doctor! We will be washing our hands as we sing, "Happy Birthday" twice. The total time is 20 seconds.So don't forget to wash you hands kids and adults!This video is ideal for preschoolers, elementary age children and adults.#WashYourHands #PersonalHygeine #brushYourTeeth #takeabath #germs #healthyhabits#prevention #Soapandwater #PersonalHygeineHabits #preventtoothdecay #HappyBirthday