Vehicle and Transport Songs Collection | including Wheels on the Bus | Infobells


Vehicle and Transport Songs Collection | including Wheels on the Bus | Infobells with tags transport songs, transport rhymes, vehicle songs, vehicle rhymes, learn vehicles, wheels on the bus, the wheels on the bus rhyme, traffic light, flying man, this is the way rhyme, train song, train rhymes, horse riding, boat rhymes, sailor rhyme, infobells, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes for children, kids rhymes, kids songs, english rhymes, baby songs, baby rhymes, rhymes in english, learning rhymes, nursery rhymes collection

This Transport songs and rhymes collection is about different transportation, like Bus, Train, Van, Boat etc., and also introduce children about traffic light.The Nursery Rhymes collection includes:00:04 Puff a Train Rhyme01:35 Wheels on the Bus Rhyme04:45 Traffic Light Rhyme06:07 Vans! Vans!07:22 A Sailor08:14 Flying Man09:22 This is the way RhymeFor More details visit : www.infobells.comCheck out our Android Apps :